Things to do with Acorns and Kids

Things to do with acorns

1 – Glitter acorns
Whilst I wouldn’t want to add anything to Mother nature’s perfection, everything does sparkle with glitter so why not acorns!


 I think they look quite cute all sparkly!
2 – Acorn treasure hunt
 I thought it was a great idea so hid our glitter acorns and marked them on the map.
The map really helped as the acorns are pretty small even if they sparkled making them easier to find.


3 – Painted acorns
For a bit of decoration I painted some acorns, initially I used ready mix paint, but it flaked off so did them again with acrylic paints which worked much better.


The boys also enjoyed painting the acorns, although they mostly ended up brown – fun, but not that pretty!


4 – Painted acorn caps (for matching pairs)
The idea for painting acorn caps came from Paint Cut Paste they used markers to colour the inside of the acorn caps, instead I used paint, but then also like the original post used glue to make a lovely shine.


They look lovely!  I did these without the boys, but it could easily be done with older kids.  My plan was to then using them in a game of matching pairs – by turning them face down and matching the colours – if you get to give it a go let me know!


5 – Autumn Sensory Bin
We also popped the acorns as well as chestnuts (conkers) and pine cones for a sensory bin, ours was very simple, but check out some of the great ones from 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 andHappy Hooligans.

These great ideas were posted by Making Boys Men, but girls will love it too!


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